I understand the importance to readers of being able to make informed choices about the work they consume to protect their own mental health and well-being. In that vein, I have created this page to list content in the Phantom Saga that might be triggering for readers so that they can be comfortable reading these books.

This section contains spoilers for The Phantom Saga and The Witch of Versailles, thus I encourage you to proceed with caution if you do not wish to be spoiled!

If you have questions about the content of the books or believe anything needs to be added to this page you can contact me directly via this link.

Overall warning: The Phantom Saga is a dark historical romance and contains explicit sexual content, adult language, and violence throughout the series.

  • Angel’s Mask contains explicit sexual content and elements of bondage and domination.

  • Throughout the novel, Christine experiences depression and anxiety; as well as some suicidal ideation that is not explicit. She discussed wanting to “stop breathing” and a loss of hope and a will to live. She overcomes this with help from Erik and in finding hope.

  • In one instance, the character of Joseph Buquet threatens Christine with the implication of sexual assault, but no assault occurs.

  • While Erik is pretending to be the Angel of Music, he and Christine engage in a relationship that is sexual in nature. At certain points, he touches her sexually and brings her to orgasm. This is done with Christine’s consent. There are serious consequences to this deception within the narrative.

  • As a historical novel, characters at some points express outdated views regarding race, gender, sexuality, and other prejudices. These are not attitudes I endorse or condone.

    • Of note: Terms for the Romani people that have been deemed by those people to be offensive are used by antagonist characters, but it is noted that they are offensive, and the terms Roma and Romani are also used.

If you feel anything needs to be added to this list, please contact me.

  • Angel’s Kiss contains explicit sexual content and elements of bondage and domination.

  • Christine is threatened with sexual assault, verbally, but none occurs on the page.

  • In retelling his personal history, Erik relates that he was conceived via repeated sexual assault of his mother, by his father. No sexual assault is described in detail.

  • Erik recounts his childhood, which was abusive and he recounts various instances of physical, emotional, and mental abuse throughout his life. His mother experiences bipolar disorder, alcoholism, and other struggles.

  • Erik’s mother died via suicide to avoid sexual assault.

  • A character is killed via hanging, leaving Christine traumatized by witnessing it.

  • As a historical novel, characters at some points express outdated views regarding race, gender, sexuality, and other prejudices. These are not attitudes I endorse or condone.

    • Of note: Terms for the Romani people that have been deemed by those people to be offensive are used by antagonist characters, but it is noted that they are offensive, and the terms Roma and Romani are also used.

    If you feel anything needs to be added to this list, please contact me.

  • Angel’s Fall contains explicit sexual content, some with elements of dominance and submission.

    • There are instances of: orgasm denial and semi-public sex.

  • The character of Raoul engages in extensive gaslighting and disregard for Christine’s wishes and desires.

  • Christine experiences depression and mental health struggles.

  • As in the original novel, Erik at one point contemplates an act of violence that will end his life, Christine’s, and many others. Additionally, Erik experiences violence, confinement, and substantial mental health struggles.

  • As in the original novel, the characters of Shaya and Raoul are tortured by Erik.

  • A secondary female character experiences assault at the hands of a secondary male character while Raoul is present. Following this, off-page, she is sexually assaulted.

  • A character dies via drowning.

  • A character dies via gun violence.

  • As a historical novel, characters at some points express outdated views regarding race, gender, sexuality, and other prejudices. These are not attitudes I endorse or condone.

    If you feel anything needs to be added to this list, please contact me.

While Erik’s Tale is significantly less romantic and less adult than The Phantom Saga, it still contains violence and sexuality. Additionally:

  • The character Sarah, Erik’s mother, is sexually assaulted. This is not described in detail. Erik is conceived via that sexual assault.

  • Sarah attempts to terminate her pregnancy.

  • Sarah experiences PTSD, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, and physical abuse.

  • Erik experiences mental, physical, and emotional abuse from his mother and other adults.

  • Sarah dies by suicide resisting sexual assault.

  • While captive in a freak show, Erik and other performers, some of whom are mentally or physically disabled, are abused and forced to perform.

If you feel anything needs to be added to this list, please contact me.

The Witch of Versailles is a historical novel set in France in the 1660s.

  • There is sexually explicit content throughout.

  • The main character, Claude, was a victim of sexual abuse perpetrated by her stepfather when she was a teenager as well as emotional and physical abuse from her mother. Claude carries trauma from this at the beginning of the book.

  • Claude’s stepfather, Giles, returns to her life and assaults her one more time. This is not portrayed on page or in detail.

  • Claude uses herbs and poison to keep Giles from further abusing her, and eventually hastens his death when he confesses to abusing another girl.

  • Many of the witches Claude learns from and works with are also midwives and abortionists. Two characters are administered abortions on page.

  • Claude is present for two traumatic childbirths.

  • The character of Henriette uses her power as a member of royalty to induce several women to have sex with her.

  • Claude intervenes in the attempted sexual assault of her lover, Athanis, by Athenais’s husband. No assault is depicted on the page.

  • Several children die at very young ages.

  • Many married characters have affairs, including Athenais, who has an affair with Clude as well as with the character of Louis, who is also married. Most marriages in the novel, and at this time were economic or political arrangements, though infidelity was seen as a sin. Claude and others also have multiple partners and have a fluid concept of fidelity.

  • Claude and Athenais eventually end up in polyamorous relationship where both are allowed and encouraged to have other partners and share partners.

  • Claude participates in a Black Mass meant as a perversion of the Catholic liturgy.

  • Throughout the novel, characters use organic substance for their mind altering effects, including “flying ointment” as well as alcohol.

If you feel anything needs to be added to this list, please contact me.